Engineered Marshalling Cables

These special cables are designed and built to make connections to your DCS simple and easy regardless of how the field cables are terminated. There are versions to connect to field terminations via a FTA’s (clamshell version), pluggable terminal blocks (BLZP, 5.08 version) or individual blocks (Flying lead versions).

Engineered Marshalling Cables

Marshalling Cables

Solution Overview

The cable options offered include:

  • Custom cable lengths in any length in whole meters from 2 meters up to 99 meters
  • Custom fan out on flying lead lengths from 0.3 meters to 9 meters
  • Custom “Y” split lengths on cables with split ends from 0.3 meters to 9 meters
  • Two cable size options, 18 AWG and 22AWG
  • Custom control end and field end terminations such as clamshell, PCB connectors (standard 5.08), flying leads (ferruled, blunt, or tinned)
  • Choice of wire direction including either top or bottom entry
  • Choice of field wiring direction either field wiring left or right

The Marshalling Cable Designer provides two output options:

  • The PDF output selection provides a graphical representation of the cable designed, specifications of the cable and the wiring table for each specific cable.
  • The Excel output option provides the same information as the PDF version including the list price per cable for each cable designed.

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